Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Skokie - VHS - Experimental

Recently, the experimental, live audio/video project, Skokie, of which I'm a part, went to LA to provide visuals for a show put on by FEELS MUSIC.

Here's a photo of me from the night:

(yes, a real picture of me)

MADTEO & SUZANNE KRAFT both DJ'ed at the show.

Go Visit:
on tumblr!

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Skokie is an experimental live performance piece exploring the ignored, forgotten and undiginified aesthetics of VHS media.

For the performance, images and audio sourced from a collection of second-hand VHS tapes are manipulated, distorted and otherwise detourned in real time through analog means. What arises is a uniquely psychedelic collage of sight & sound; an assault on the senses; a celebration of ephemeral phenomena; a testament to the endurance of analog transmissions; and an ode to the constant fluctuations of our media landscapes.

It is also some trippy, weird cool looking stuff, good for parties & whatnot.

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Related VHS art:

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